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Her Story 

His Glory

About Raven Brown

Raven Brown is an established author and visionary. Raven is passionate about her faith and calling and she educates and empowers all those she encounters. Raven was born and raised in the Bay Area, and outside of brief stints living as an Army brat in Germany and South Korea as a youth, the Bay Area has always been her home. As a result of Raven's father being in the Army, she was afforded the opportunity to travel a great deal. While in high school in California and South Korea, Raven's talents led her to play varsity basketball for four years and play for the women's team on the Presidio of San Francisco's Army Base her junior and senior year. While living in South Korea, Raven also competed against U.S. teams, as well as those from Guam, the Philippines, Japan, and Korea.


The youngest of four and the only girl, Raven chose to use her talents as a civil servant for almost 33 years, a servant of God for almost 30 years and is now ready to be of service to you as she walks into her purpose. Her affinity for people emerges when she feeds the homeless both spiritually and physically.

Raven prides herself in being a part of programs like “Adopt a School”. She has remained an active member of her community by working hand in hand with her local government to effect change. Her involvement led to the creation of a new Parking Permit Program. Raven taught Sunday School at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church for approximately four years.


Raven has been studying the Bible for approximately 28 years, as she feels the Bible is something you study and not read. Raven’s love for The Word has led her to become the proud author of “The Bible Will Be My Textbook” and “As the World is Seen through the Eyes of the Raven, Hear Her Cry." Raven's desire is that her writings will inspire hope and faith and propel readers to seek the truth.


She prays that upon reading her books that you will be richly blessed and will have a new life of prayer, repentance, salvation, and a relationship with God. Raven also enjoys visiting California's lovely beaches and marinas and appreciates the state's renowned selections of fine cuisine.  She is a sports fan of the Golden State Warriors.

Author Raven M. Brown Image

Our Mission

      Through my books, post, and YouTube videos, it is my hope, will, and desire to empty myself by pouring out the wisdom and insight God has given me by way of my spirit, biblical studies, and experiences to the saving of your soul.
       After a game is over, we hear athletes say they left it all out on the field or on the court.  When the game of life is over for me and I transition, I want to be able to say, “I left it all out on earth” and, as it is written in 2 Tim 4:7-8:  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:  Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me that day:  and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
      Wisdom that could impact future generations is not something I wish to go undiscovered but unearthed from God’s obedient vessel. We all have been created and called to fulfill His purpose and I hope I am able to spark the light in you to propel you to pursue and discover yours. 

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